Ubisoft Deactivating "Fraudulent" Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed Unity Copies
Added: 02.02.2015 20:00 | 0 views | 0 comments
UPDATE 2 -- 12 Noon PDT, February 2: Ubisoft has now issued a new statement on the matter. "After further investigation into the matter of keys that were fraudulently purchased on EA's Origin store, we are reinstating keys for consumers who already had successfully activated and started playing the games. Any remaining fraudulently obtained and resold keys have been deactivated. "We are working with EA to prevent situations like this from happening again, and we will continue to deactivate keys that are found to be fraudulently obtained and resold. We strongly recommend that players purchase keys and downloadable games only from the Uplay shop or trusted retailers." UPDATE 3PM PST: Ubisoft issued the following statement regarding the grey market games getting blocked: Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email
| Far Cry Classic 'Fort' Map Recreated In CRYENGINE
Added: 01.02.2015 8:10 | 3 views | 0 comments
YouTubes C. Spannerz has been working on a CRYENGINE map based on the classic Fort map from the first Far Cry game.
| Dying Light Review Thumbs Down At Sundown | PCGamer
Added: 31.01.2015 11:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
Like its hero, the wall-climbing, sewer-spelunking, city-hopping Kyle Crane, Dying Light has its ups and downs and is kind of all over the map. Techland, creator of the Dead Island series, takes elements from a number of gamesespecially the Far Cry seriesand mashes them together in its open world first-person zombie shooter. It's an uneven mix, bookended by a slow start and an exasperating finish, not to mention a few troubling performance issues, but in the middle lies a sweet spot that provides hours of satisfying, zombie-stomping fun.
| Dying Light Review - Game Reactor DK
Added: 30.01.2015 22:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
Dying Light is a solid zombie title with unique ideas that makes it stand out from the crowd. The gameplay is more like what we've seen in games like Far Cry and Mirror's Edge , where the wild animals were replaced by zombies, and the sterile city is replaced with dirty houses with tin roofs, than it is reminiscent of Dead Island .
| Far Cry 4s Ajay Ghale Is the Ella Enchanted of Video Game Protagonists
Added: 30.01.2015 20:10 | 2 views | 0 comments
GeekParty: "While I havent seen everything Far Cry 4 has to offer, I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on its story and characters. The charming, villainous Pagan Min is basically Hans Landa with cooler hair. Reggie and Yogi, Far Cry 4s requisite drug-pushers, seem to be unusually fond of R. Kelly.
And Ajay Ghale, the games protagonist, is straight out of Ella Enchanted."
| Europe Weekly Chart, 10th January 2015
Added: 30.01.2015 12:10 | 15 views | 0 comments
Europe Hardware by Platform:
PS4 69,052 (-53%) 7,387,035
3DS 40,750 (-64%) 13,340,854
XOne 38,239 (-41%) 2,905,775
PS3 21,263 (-56%) 33,447,186
WiiU 14,627 (-60%) 2,118,493
X360 9,835 (-49%) 25,574,688
PSV 7,925 (-47%) 2,858,788
Wii 2,507 (-54%) 33,675,134
1 Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)
2 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4)
3 FIFA 15 (PS4)
4 Far Cry 4 (PS4)
5 Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire (3DS)
Tags: Warfare, Cave, With, Europe, There, Far Cry, X360, January, FIFA, Pokemon, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, Ruin
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